How To Place Your First Order

Step 1:  Register above or Download the CleanCloud App (recommend using the App)
Step 2:  Schedule a One-Time Pickup, a Recurring Pickup or Subscribe to the Weekly Plan

Step 3:  Bag your laundry in any disposable bags for pickup and place outside for pickup

Step 4:  Our drivers will notify you when enroute, once laundry is picked up and throughout the cleaning process

Step 5:  Your laundry will be delivered in a disposable bag for one-time orders and Weekly Plan subscribers will have their laundry delivered in our weatherproof square bag to keep your laundry properly folded and always clean.

If you have questions or need help – you can Text or Call (850) 932-3005

Sign up
Welcome to our online booking tool. Please log in or create an account to get started. Please ensure you enter in any gate or door codes in the driver... show more

By registering, you agree with the Application Policy.

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